Professor Cliona Ni Mhurchu
Project Co-Leader
Cliona trained in Human Nutrition and Dietetics at Trinity College Dublin and worked as a Clinical Dietitian in the UK before doing her PhD in Public Health Nutrition at the University of Southampton. Her research programme evaluates effectiveness of population dietary interventions and policies, such as food taxes/subsidies, nutrition labels, healthier food reformulation, and restrictions on food marketing. Current studies use a range of innovative technologies to deliver or evaluate interventions including smartphone apps, a virtual supermarket, and automated wearable cameras. Cliona is a member of a number of national and international advisory committees including Food Standards Australia New Zealand Social Sciences & Economics Advisory Group, National Heart Foundation Food & Nutrition Advisory Group, and the New Zealand Health Star Rating Labelling Advisory Group. She is Director of the Dietary Interventions: Evidence & Translation" (DIET) HRC research programme and Deputy Director of the Healthier Lives National Science Challenge.